NAPLES (ITALPRESS) – “Tourism is in excellent health thanks to entrepreneurs, workers, the supply chain and the government, which is creating the conditions for it to thrive more and better. The Mediterranean Tourism Exchange is important for all of Italy.” These were the words of Tourism Minister Daniela Santanchè who visited the Bmt, now in its 28th edition, in Naples today.
“Many regions and tourism players are present here. This is also an opportunity to reiterate that the South is growing a lot: we need to strengthen the tourism vocation of the South, deseasonalize, because we have good weather here all year round, and say that there are not only cities like Naples, there is not only Sorrento, Ischia and Capri, but there are also so-called minor resorts, but which for us are not, where we need to increase the tourism offer and make people experience,” said Santanchè, speaking at the inaugural event of Bmt, scheduled in the Mostra d’Oltremare in Naples until Saturday, March 15. The Mediterranean Tourism Exchange is organized by Progecta, a leading company in organizing trade fairs.
“The Bmt,” explained Progecta patron Angioletto De Negri, “is so important because it is organized by those who have been involved in tourism for 50 years. It is the most beloved by travel agencies because it is the busiest and the most comprehensive: since the beginning we have been dealing with both the outgoing and the incoming sectors. Anyone who comes here finds new things.”
The opening of Bmt, moderated by Valentina della Corte, was also attended by Edmondo Cirielli, deputy minister of foreign affairs; Alessandra Priante, president of Enit; Felice Casucci, councillor for Tourism of the Campania Region; Teresa Armato, councillor for Tourism and Productive Activities of the City of Naples; and Gianluca Caramanna, FdI deputy and advisor to the minister of Tourism.
“The government supports the Mediterranean Tourism Exchange 100 percent. Bmt – Cirielli pointed out – is an extraordinary event, not only for Tourism: it is an international event, with the participation of 50 foreign countries, and it is an extraordinary audience for diplomatic relations as well. That is why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to be present: the Farnesina focuses internationally on tourism promotion.”
“Italy,” Priante added, “must be aware that it is the most desired country in the world. What we do, especially with fairs like Bmt, is to translate this desire into booking clicks, bringing tourists to visit not only this wonderful region, Campania, this wonderful city, Naples, but all of the South, in particular, and clearly all of Italy.”
“For Southern Italy,” Caramanna explained, “Tourism is really a key driver for the economy. Here in Campania, we have seen from the data that right now we need to focus on quality, high-spending tourism: on average, tourists who come to Campania spend more than tourists who come to other regions of Italy. And the narrative made by tourists returning home is positive: Naples and all of Campania is an excellent tourist destination.”
-Photo Ipa/Agency-