Bper, Pope “Ambitious but pragmatic plan”

MILAN (ITALPRESS) – “Today we presented an ambitious but pragmatic plan. We remain as we are, with the idea that in any case any M&A operation must create value for the bank and for shareholders. Today this is not there. Our plan is stand alone and we are banking on this plan.” So said Gianni Franco Papa, CEO of Bper, during a press conference following the presentation of the 2024-2027 business plan. “It may be that there is room for possible aggregation operations, but we have just come out of a season of extreme dynamism in terms of M&A, now we are consolidating internally, we are changing the organizational structure. We need to give time to this new development plan,” he added. On extra-profits, “I can only align myself with what has been proposed by the Abi executive committee. We believe that the payment must be predetermined and temporary in nature with exclusively financial effects, safeguarding the banks’ balance sheets and without retroactive effects. Then,” Pope concluded, “it would be necessary to define what extra-profits mean, what is the limit.”(ITALPRESS).-Photo: Bper press office-