Cà Foscari, new Unesco chair on technologies for green applications

VENICE (ITALPRESS) – The Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems at Cà Foscari University of Venice and the Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics at Luleà University of Technology (Sweden) will publicly present the new UNESCO Aid4GEA Chair dedicated to Technologies and Materials for Green and Energy Applications with a dedicated event on Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 9:30 a.m. in the Mainardi Auditorium of the Cà Foscari University of Venice Science Campus.The Chair, chaired by Professor Elisa Moretti of the Cà Foscari University of Venice and co-chaired by Professor Alberto Vomiero of Luleà University of Technology, has as its main objective to strengthen awareness of the importance of advanced materials and technologies for sustainable development, particularly in developing countries.Aid4GEA fits into two strategic objectives of the UNESCO plan for the period 2022-2029: ensuring quality, equitable and inclusive education, and promoting sustainable societies and environmental protection. Through international cooperation and networking among academic institutions and scientific societies of global relevance, Aid4GEA will contribute to the development of skills aimed at sustainability, with a focus on recycling, reuse and energy efficiency.The Chair chaired by Moretti and Vomiero received, along with the other Italian UNESCO Chairs, a Seal of Merit from the Minister of University and Research, through Ministerial Decree No. 495 of 06-03-2024. The “Seal of Merit” is an official honor that the Minister of University and Research can award to research centers considered to be of excellence in certain fields. It rewards the role played by the UNESCO Chair in promoting intercultural and international dialogue, in implementation of the values promoted by UNESCO, and for its fundamental role in achieving the Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development set by the United Nations General Assembly.

– Cà Foscari University press office photo -(ITALPRESS).