ROME (ITALPRESS) – “I plowed a fallow field and if the Court gives me suggestions, I’m happy. It was the opposition that asked for constitutional scrutiny of autonomy, so if we now apply the constitutional suggestions, no one has to break my balls anymore…” Roberto Calderoli, the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, says this in an interview with the newspaper “La Repubblica.” “Despite the fact that some people think that I have taken the Court’s pronouncement negatively, it is not so. I have the utmost respect for the constitutional judges,” he adds. “Of course, I would have been happier if they had told me ‘everything is all right,’ but I have the humility and pride of those who, having traveled an unknown and new land, may also have made some mistakes. I managed to get an autonomy law passed in Parliament and I had no truth in my pocket.”
Calderoli notes that “the Court’s pronouncement serves me to correct a law so that it corresponds to what the Constitution prescribes.”
“Do I make a mea culpa? “With respect to the Consulta’s censures in my defense I have the fact that I used a practice established by the past and that I was moving in unknown territory. For example. On the essential levels of performance. lep, in the case of health care were defined by a decree of the prime minister and always dpcm were used for anti Covid measures in the Conte government. However,” he explains, “this instrument is considered unsuitable for defining lep in differentiated autonomy. If they want a primary source, a law of Parliament or a delegated law, we will do it.” “My law,” Calderoli claimed, “is made up of 11 articles and 45 paragraphs, the center-left regions challenged 43 of the 45 paragraphs. The Consulta found 7 out of 60 grounds of unconstitutionality, which we will remove. Result? The structure of the law has held up.” And on the referendum he explains, “Autonomy is supportive, perhaps even too much so compared to the behavior of some regions. To me the referendum is not scary, because I never believed it was permissible. Meloni is sent to say that without autonomy no premierate? It is a nonexistent competition. The paths are widely separated and remain so. Premierate is a constitutional reform, it requires more time, but we want to achieve both,” he concludes.
– Photo: Photogram Agency –