State Police, as part of an investigation by the Udine Police Headquarters Mobile Squad into the illegal stay in the national territory of dozens of Georgian caregivers, have arrested 19 of them and charged 17 others in state custody. The investigations stemmed from a number of reports received by the territorial offices of the Udine province’s Internal Revenue Agencies, which reported considerable access to their offices of women, apparently of Georgian nationality, who presented themselves, however, as EU citizens, displaying identity documents, valid for expatriation, from European Union countries, particularly Slovakia, Poland and Lithuania. In this way they could gain access to the world of work in the circuit of caregiver agencies and enjoy legal, tax and health benefits, circumventing the rules governing the entry and stay in the national territory of non-EU citizens. Subsequent searches were conducted 14 in the province of Udine, 6 in that of Pordenone, the others in the provinces of Bolzano, Venice, Gorizia, Pistoia, Florence, Turin, Lecce, Latina, Varese, Belluno and Prato. Thirty-six false EU documents, mostly Slovak, and as many tax codes or attestations of their issuance were seized, 19 women, 6 in Pordenone, 4 in Venice, 3 in Bolzano, 2 in Pistoia, 1 in Varese, 1 in Belluno, 1 in Lecce and 1 in Latina, were arrested in flagrante delicto for possession and manufacture of false identification documents, while 17 others were referred to the police for the same offense. At the outcome of the Immigration Offices’ investigations, where the lack of requirements for legal residence in the national territory remains, all the foreigners reported will be deported. Further activities are underway to identify the individuals who procured the false documents for them. The investigations make it possible to hypothesize the operation of a well-structured organization capable of fabricating documents abroad and then delivering them to buyers within a few days for a sum of money of around 600 euros. During the operations, in Udine, a 41-year-old Georgian citizen who was the recipient of a prison order, having to serve two years in prison, was also tracked down and transferred to prison for residential burglary committed in 2018 in the province of Friuli. (ITALPRESS).
-Photo: State Police-