SALERNO (ITALPRESS) – On the occasion of the upcoming celebration of Carnival, the Salerno Guardia di Finanza has intensified controls to protect the goods and services sector, with the aim of countering the trade of unsafe and potentially dangerous items for the health of buyers. As part of these interventions, in an initial operation, the Fiamme Gialle of the Vallo della Lucania Company found and placed under precautionary restraint, in two separate commercial establishments, about 31 thousand articles lacking the necessary certifications, indications and warnings for use required by consumer protection regulations.
In a second case, the Financial Officers of the Sala Consilina Tenenza seized more than 14 thousand items, including masks, confetti, gadgets and disguises, ready to be placed on sale and lacking the prescribed safety information. The seized products were thus removed from the market and the owners of the businesses were reported to the competent Chamber of Commerce for the imposition of the prescribed administrative penalties, up to a maximum of 30 Thousand euros.
-Photo press office Gdf-