MILAN (ITALPRESS) – Signed by Chancellors Giovanna Iannantuoni, as president of MUSA, and Elena Beccalli, the Memorandum of Understanding between MUSA – Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.
The agreement, signed in recent weeks by their respective Boards of Directors, marks the beginning of a strategic path that will lead the University of Largo Gemelli to become part of the corporate structure of MUSA Scarl, the company that operates as the implementing entity of the Innovation Ecosystem funded by the Ministry of University and Research as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and that brings together universities, research organizations, institutions, businesses and foundations.
The entry of such a prestigious university further strengthens MUSA’s role as a point of reference for scientific research and innovation locally and nationally, confirming its ability to attract excellence in academia and research and to be a virtuous example of collaboration between academia, institutions, businesses and the third sector.
The partnership provides for the gradual integration of the Catholic University into MUSA’s activities and the initiation of immediate operational collaboration for the development of research and innovation activities in strategic areas, with a focus on the issues of urban regeneration, sustainability, business innovation and financial governance.
The goal is to create new operational synergies that can translate into concrete innovation for the economic and social system in Milan, Lombardy and nationwide. “The signing of this protocol marks the beginning of a path of mutual growth. MUSA, born three years ago as a positive response to the unique opportunity represented by the PNRR, continues to consolidate itself as a reference pole for innovation, capable of aggregating realities of excellence and creating synergies with high added value. The Catholic University, with its heritage of research and expertise, represents a fundamental piece to strengthen our mission of sustainable development and urban innovation,” said Giovanna Iannantuoni, President of MUSA.