Ottavia Piana, the 32-year-old caver who was trapped in a cave in the Bergamo area on Saturday, has been brought back to the surface. This was reported by the Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps), as noted on their social profiles: “At 2:59 a.m. on Dec. 18, our rescuers reached the exit along with the stretcher with the speleologist injured in an exploratory area of the cave Abisso Bueno Fonteno last Saturday afternoon. The rescue activities, which began at midnight on Dec. 15, ended ahead of the estimated timeline and involved 159 National Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps technicians from 13 Italian regions. Decisive was the synergy between the various teams that took turns during the recovery mission, in which the injured woman was constantly monitored and assisted by a total of 6 doctors and 8 Alpine and Speleological Rescue Corps nurses. Once out of the cave, the stretcher was transferred by Alpine and Caving Rescue teams to an area where firefighters set up a suitable point for helicopter recovery by winch. The woman, once taken over by the AREU 118 helicopter, was transported to Bergamo Hospital.”
-Photo: Photogram Agency-