BOLOGNA (ITALPRESS) – Conad today announced the collection of more than 2.2 million euros in favor of 27 Italian hospitals and pediatric wards, following the solidarity initiative “Love gestures make themselves felt” active in Conad stores at the end of last year.
The collection was made possible thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Conad customers, who supported the initiative by purchasing Christmas bells, within a line of 12 subjects, made of recycled plastic (ABS), inspired by the most famous characters from Disney animated films.
For each bell distributed in stores throughout Italy, in fact, Conad collected 50 cents from its customers to be given to hospitals to finance pediatric wards or projects, thus giving concrete support to local health facilities.
“For us at Conad, sustainability is a strategic pillar, and it is at the basis of all our initiatives: a concrete sustainability that is carried out on several fronts, and that combines attention to the environment through the choice of recycled materials, with support for people and Communities. For this reason, we have chosen to repropose for the fourth consecutive year our solidarity initiative in favor of hospitals and pediatric wards throughout Italy,” says Francesco Avanzini, General Manager of Conad. “Thanks to the generosity of our customers, over the past four years we have raised 8 million euros to support pediatric wards, lending a concrete hand to those who work every day to make the lives of hospitalized children as peaceful as possible and with the necessary medical equipment.”
The solidarity initiative is part of Conad’s major sustainability project “Let’s Sustain the Future,” based on three fundamental dimensions of the brand’s daily actions: respect for the environment, attention to people and communities, and enhancement of the business fabric and the Italian territory.
The hospitals and pediatric departments involved in the donations are:
“G. Salesi” Children’s Hospital Foundation – Ancona
“Beauregard” Hospital, Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology – Aosta
“Papa Giovanni XXIII” Hospital, Psychological Support Service – Bergamo
Policlinico “Sant’Orsola” Foundation – Bologna
Children’s Hospital, Psychological Support Service – Brescia
ARNAS G. Brotzu the Association “Il Paese dei Cuori” for the department of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Disease – Cagliari
A. Cardarelli” Hospital – Campobasso
Azienda Ospedaliera di Cosenza, Department of Pediatrics – Cosenza
GASLINSIEME Foundation for Children’s Hospital – Genoa
Children’s Hospital “V. Buzzi”- Milan
Associazione Pollicino per Policlinico- Modena
Hospital of National Relief “Santobono Pausilipon”, Department of Pediatrics- Naples
G. Di Cristina Children’s Hospital ARNAS Civico – Palermo
P. Barilla” Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatric Surgery – Parma
“Santa Maria della Misericordia” Hospital, Department of Neonatology and Intensive Care – Perugia
Piacenza Hospital, Department of Neonatology and Obstetrics – Piacenza
Luigi Donato Foundation for Monasterio – Pisa
San Carlo” Hospital, Department of Pediatrics – Potenza
Arcispedale “Santa Maria Nuova” Hospital, Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit – Reggio Emilia
Rimini Hospital, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Maternoinfantile – Rimini
Baby Jesus Neonatal Foundation – Rome
Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Hospital, Department of Pediatrics – San Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia)
G. Mazzini” Civil Hospital, Department of Pediatrics – Teramo
FORMA Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital Foundation – Turin
Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari, Department of Pediatrics – Trento
Hospital “Ca’ Foncello” ULSS2 Marca Trevigiana, Department of Pediatric Oncoematology – Treviso
IRCCS materano infantile “Burlo Garofolo” – Triesteù
-photo screenshot Conad website –