Conte “Dialogue with the PD, but no fake alliances”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “We turn our attention away from the dramatic situation we are going through. Italians are getting poorer with high utility bills, businesses have to bear energy price hikes in the billions, layoffs are exploding, we have 22 consecutive months of declining industrial production and growth has stalled, despite the Pnrr money we brought in. We can say it, this is turning out to be the most incompetent government in decades. But it is also the most indecent: nothing for the weakest, while they have increased funds for the salaries of ministers and undersecretaries.” Thus, i an interview with la Repubblica, M5s leader Giuseppe Conte, according to whom “the country still seems enchanted and for the polls FdI is still on a high, “because along with the difficulties their propaganda grows very strong. They have occupied all the media, they have almost all the newspapers on their side, they control from Mediaset to Rai. But the reality slowly comes out.” Among the diversions is also the war on the togas, “certainly,” Conte stressed. In order to eliminate the control of legality they are organizing an authoritarian twist of our system taking advantage of the support of a good part of the media system.” “Meloni,” he then adds, “is on the run from Parliament because even on the Almasri case she lied, they have contradicted themselves several times because they are in serious trouble. We will continue to insist that Meloni come to Parliament to explain why she, a woman and mother, repatriated, with the honor of a state flight, an executioner accused of murder and even rape of five-year-old children. From now on Meloni will be Almasri’s moral accomplice and will carry on her conscience the crimes this figure commits in Libya.” “The one from the Rome prosecutor’s office,” Conte continued, “is a due act, I too have been notified more than once, moreover following exposures by Fratelli d’Italia, and I have never made any antics as Meloni did. And then Lo Voi is from the rightmost current of the judiciary, it is well known, and he was proposed by Berlusconi for Eurojust.” And when asked if there is a government-magistrates clash caused by the separation of careers, he replied, “Let’s stop with this narrative. The only clash here is between the government and the criminal code: from Delmastro to Santanchè and now Meloni, Nordio, Piantedosi, Mantovano. They attack judges but protect Santanchè who cheated on Covid funds, it’s disconcerting. “Turning to issues concerning the center-left andRomano Prodi’s invitation not to give up the idea of an alliance with a common program, Conte comments, “I respect the history of the Pd, which has always expressed this ‘stubbornly united vocation. And the M5S is in the forefront of building an alternative political project to this government, but the history and identity of the M5S should also be respected. Confrontation with other forces is only possible within a framework of clarity and consistency.” “With Schlein’s Pd,” adds the M5s leader, “we finally found each other on the minimum wage, on the reduction of working hours, on differentiated autonomy, on parental leave…. On public health care “there is a need to clarify,” he explains. “It is not enough to ask for more money for health care, we must also move away from a regional management of the past, in part entrusted to the left, studded with inefficiencies, waste and clientelistic employment. And there would also be a lot to say about the Salva-Milano and land consumption.” “At the moment,” Conte adds, “there are points in common but also fundamental issues that divide us. Peace, for example, is diriment for us while the Pd has espoused, with the governing majority, a line of unconditional support, including military support, to Ukraine and pursues the isolation of Russia. We, on the contrary, have always thought that the only alternative to total disaster is negotiation. “On U.S. affairs, “on the Biden-Trump alternative I had reserved judgment on the facts. And, as I criticized Biden’s foreign policy yesterday, from Ukraine to Gaza, today I consider some of Trump’s positions disturbing, while I applaud the truce in the Middle East.” “I consider inadmissible the request to raise military spending of NATO countries to 5 percent and, in general, the war of tariffs,” Conte says. The theme always remains subalternity, which even Meloni has completely espoused. What do the genuflected Atlanticists who are just about everywhere, even in the PD, do now? Do they take note that America is no longer the beacon of democracy? And Meloni, faced with Trump’s tariffs, what will she do now? Will she run with hat in hand to China to beg it to sign the Silk Road Agreement that she herself tore up?” And on the domestic front, regarding Dario Franceschini’s proposal for a “light” alliance, an agreement only for uninominal constituencies and then each force would be free to run alone on the proportional, he comments, “It’s a proposal that I look at carefully, because it’s an attempt to make differences compatible. The important thing is to share the goal of putting change in society at the center of political action.” “We are confronting each other and there is common ground. But it would be even more cynical to present ourselves as a coalition and exhibit a fictitious unity without measuring ourselves concretely even on the issues that divide us. It would be a fake alliance that would fall apart the day after the elections,” concludes M5s leader Giuseppe Conte.- photo Ipa agency -(ITALPRESS).