MILAN (ITALPRESS) – “Work should always be paid, experience cannot be an excuse not to pay young people. That’s why we want to eliminate free internships and apprenticeships, guarantee free redemption of degrees and give concrete incentives to youth entrepreneurship.” This was stated by the President of the 5-Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, in a video message broadcast to a party conference in Milan on young Europeans.
Conte stressed the need to offer stability to the younger generation to enable them to build their future with confidence. Among the proposals put forward was the extension of the right to vote to 16-year-olds: “Giving young people the chance to actively participate in political life means transmitting confidence and responsibility to them, making them feel an integral part of society.”
The M5S leader then harshly criticized the European Union’s choice to allocate “more than 800 billion in a rearmament plan,” calling it a short-sighted strategy: “What message is being given to young people? A Europe that proclaims itself a champion of peace and rights cannot choose to boost the war industry instead of investing in education, jobs and opportunities. We strongly say that real security and real progress come from young people, not new weapons.”
– Photo Ipa Agency –