Conte “Renzi is a paper tiger to whom the PD has given back space”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – M5S leader Giuseppe Conte puts stakes on the alliance on the left: “There is a problem with the Pd: it has given space back to Renzi. It’s a widening wound, we’re not with him.” And he excludes that there are personal differences with the Iv leader: “It’s a matter of credibility and reliability of fellow travelers.” “If we want to build a serious unity project, we also need to take a constructive attitude and respect towards allies,” Conte stressed, in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “Schlein,” he adds, “has in fact returned political centrality to Renzi, who is a divisive factor and has always wanted to destroy the M5S. And this, without even taking the trouble to warn me and have a serious political confrontation with me and the other allies. So the right camp falls apart and weakens, and I affirm this by guaranteeing our genuine united vocation and our determination in the goal of giving the country a truly competitive alternative to Meloni. For my community, it is a wound that is in danger of getting wider and wider.”
For the alliance in Liguria, “we have been in touch. I reiterated to her and Orlando our demands. The problem is that Schlein’s ambiguous ‘no vet’ formula has allowed Renzi to have a space in the progressive camp, just after negotiating appointments on participations with Meloni and voting with this majority in so many significant parliamentary passages.” “It is not only my community, which would never accept this deadly embrace,” Conte points out. The same Pd voters, at the Festa dell’Unità and when they stop me in the street, ask me to keep Renzi out so as not to pollute the political project we are building.” “We cannot be beguiled by a paper tiger,” he continues. “Not only is it a serious political mistake that would take away consensus, but in case of victory it would be an internal mine ready to implode the government and keep it constantly under blackmail. If this becomes the pattern of the entire Pd, even though people like Bettini warn of all the dangers, we will not be there.”
Conte reiterates that he has no personal problem with Renzi: “It would be much simpler,” he explains, “It is a question of credibility and reliability of fellow travelers. We contrast not only the merit, but also Renzi’s method of doing politics. It is unacceptable to take money from the Italian people and foreign governments, and it is equally unacceptable to secure seats in Italian institutions to do business around the world.” “I am not exaggerating at all,” he continued, “We are in politics to counter the pernicious contamination with business, to introduce a crystal clear law on conflict of interest and regulation of lobbies….
“How can you bring people to the polls and hope to win against the Toti system by embarking on the renzians who, after being in the junta with the right-wing candidate Bucci, are now trying to re-enter our coalition through the window by slipping into the lists?” wonders Conte, who then adds, “We generously and loyally agreed to support Orlando and called for ‘out the renzians’ to make the project a winner. We will fight to change the opaque system that has governed Liguria through illicit exchanges of favors between politicians and businessmen, all of whom are now settling.”
On Rai, he declares, “For some, politics is a theater of hypocrisies and lies. Renzi finds himself at Schlein’s side cleaning up his soul, after changing the law in 2015 that allowed him to move from years of savage partisan allotment to governmental allotment. I am sorry that Schlein finds herself and her coryphaeus insulting us, after until the day before they were strenuously committed, I read it from the newspapers, to fighting place after place in every RAI news outlet.” “The M5S has a clear progressive identity,” he stresses, “I have never heard from either Meloni or any center-right member about this vote in Parliament. It was about electing two members of the board of directors who, as always since time immemorial, are in the quota of the oppositions to exercise the necessary guarantee functions.” “The Pd,” he adds, “decided with Renzi on the Aventine. We immediately said it was stupid and we would not follow them. The same thing Avs did in the daylight.” And on the presidency to Simona Agnes, “we are not changing our mind. It is not an absolute guarantee chairmanship because it is the result of a specific party designation. She will not have our votes.” “The cda,” he then declares, “is a body where the oppositions must be there, especially since we are talking about Telemeloni. It would be nice if the Pd wanted to make an Aventine on the heads and ask all its appointees to step back.” He concludes, “The Renzi issue is proving destructive. It risks becoming a major implosion issue for the construction of an alternative project to Meloni. I cannot accept that my community is being trampled and mocked on the principles of public ethics and counteracting profiteering, which for us are the abc of good politics. But we do not disown the path we have taken so far with the PD and Avs, from the minimum wage to opposing differentiated autonomy.”
– photo Agenzia Fotogramma –

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