Defense, Crosetto “There is no competition between nation and EU”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “We are living in a dramatic historical and geopolitical moment, dense with critical issues. The daily news every day now exceeds the guard level, creating and multiplying anxiety, fears and confusion. That’s why, in the face of this momentous scenario, I really cannot understand how it is possible that the “issue” of Defense and deterrence of a nation (of an alliance, of a union), can become a ground on which to clash for a few extra zeros in the polls in the coming weeks.” Thus Defense Minister Guido Crosetto in a lengthy post on X.

“The issue of a nation’s security and defense is, for anyone who wants to look at it without prejudice, one of the prerequisites of the very existence of a free, democratic country with a Constitution, principles, values. This requires correct information that rests on numbers and reality, even raw and harsh reality,” he adds. The “Defense” of a country is the only, unique guarantee of that country’s freedom and democracy. A pre-requisite without which there is no state, national or supranational community, whatever. States unfortunately do not defend themselves by “‘putting flowers in the cannons,” but by trained Armed Forces. Not only no state but no international organization, from the EU through NATO and up to the UN, has ever thought or dreamed of imagining the need to enforce the principles of its domestic and international law without also using armed forces. That is why all nations have their own defense. To say otherwise is belied by reality.”

“To give up defending oneself or to totally outsource one’s defense means only one thing: to become completely irrelevant and to find oneself helpless to any external threat of any kind. History teaches this. States, supranational and international organizations, even revolutions, resistances to Dictatorships and victories of Freedom against Tyranny were made and made possible and concrete with weapons and with the sacrifice of so many citizens who wanted to live but wanted freedom more,” the minister stresses. “That is why the goal of a government and of the entire parliament, democratic as ours can only be to build a defense that deters any possible hostile actor from attacking Italy. And when I say “attacking Italy,” I do not mean pointing to who knows what places “of Power,” but schools, kindergartens, hospitals, life and civil coexistence of free citizens who have the right to live in peace and safety, in their country. Alone, unfortunately, we are not enough. This is the stark truth. That is why we chose to join NATO. We did it back in 1949 with a choice that engaged some of our best and highest constituent fathers: De Gasperi, Sforza, Einaudi and many others. They were straight, courageous and free men: Catholics, liberals, republicans, shareholders. The flower of politics and culture of that time that knew how to bring Italy out of the disaster of war and dictatorship.”

“This pact, since then always renewed, and – I would like to remind you – by governments of every political color, requires today an extra effort, and that is that each and every member country of that alliance does its part. We, as Italy, must do ours. The “European” part of NATO will also be, in this first phase, the starting point for building a common European defense,” Crosetto writes again. “There is no competition between building a national defense (solid and a related national defense plan, military and civilian) and a European Defense Union that must be born out of the experience and lessons learned from building that of NATO, which remains the most credible and deterrent defense alliance. Building European defense means, quite simply, taking the basis and logic of the “NATO model” and making it walk with its own legs but in total synergy between the EU, NATO and nations. To defend oneself, one must not “attack,” but know how to defend oneself to the best of one’s ability and with all one’s strength.”

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