ROME (ITALPRESS) – U.S. President Donald Trump has moved from words to deeds by confirming the entry into force of tariffs for products from Canada and Mexico and the doubling of those for products from China. A situation that has shaken the world economy and hit European stock exchanges hard.
In addition to the stock exchanges and international finance, individual citizens are also showing fear of this situation. More than 1 in 2 Italians (55.9%), in fact, say they are concerned about the duties introduced by Trump, as they think they may affect their family economy. Almost 60 percent of the Italian population, in this scenario, therefore believes it is necessary for Europe to take action on these duties by trying to reach an agreement with the U.S. administration. An agreement that, according to almost half of the Italians, can be reached more effectively if conducted in a unified manner among all EU member states and, therefore, working together as Europe rather than as individual states. Concerns remain, however, about the actual results that the EU will be able to achieve. In fact, the sample is divided between those who believe that Europe can achieve concrete results in protecting citizens from U.S. economic policies and those who less so.
Euromedia Research data – Conducted on 17/02/2025 using CATI/CAWI methodology on a sample of 1,000 cases representative of the Italian population aged 18 and over
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