BOLOGNA (ITALPRESS) – Tonight, the tower of the Legislative Assembly will light up in purple to mark World Papilloma Virus Hpv Day. March 4 each year marks World Day against HPV (Human Papilloma Virus Infection), responsible for one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in both the female and male populations, which can also be contracted through contact with contaminated surfaces or can be transmitted, during childbirth, from mother to newborn.
HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer in women, but also of neoplastic diseases of the anus, oral cavity and oropharynx as well as the male genital sphere. The targets set by WHO for the 2020-2030 period include the so-called “90-70-90 Approach,” meaning 90 percent of girls fully vaccinated by age 15, 70 percent of women screened using a high-performance test by age 35, and then again by age 45, and 90 percent of women identified with cervical disease treated and with access to appropriate follow-up. This strategy, based on evidence-based interventions, is also cost-effective worldwide and will allow cervical cancer to be thought of as a disease of the past.
– photo press office Emilia-Romagna Region –