ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Italy will never benefit from this rearmament plan. We have a very high public debt: to think that we can invest 30-35 billion in weapons with the difficulties we have — part of the citizens can’t pay their bills, many are giving up health care — I think it’s madness, a collective delirium that the European Union is experiencing. Meloni bet on a military victory over Russia and this bet has failed, this is the reality. She and other European leaders are not taking note of it.”
President of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, said this during a meeting with the foreign press. “We believe that this rearmament plan, as it has been formulated, in all haste, is not the right response to what are the current challenges that call the European Union to great responsibility. There is not even a hint of a common European defense, it is simply a knee-jerk reaction, it seems almost hysterical in relation to what is happening and for that matter it sounds in stark contrast to the start of peace negotiations.”
“It is a plan,” Conte explained, “that is simply built on increased spending: in practice it offers the possibility for each European state to be able to increase its military arsenal, but in no particular order. This cannot be the way to respond to the EU’s need for defense security. By doing so, Europe only exacerbates the political leadership deficit that it is unfortunately demonstrating in recent years.”
The M5S leader then announced that the movement will not be “at tomorrow’s demonstration. Right now asking for more Europe has no meaning because the official institutions of the European Union are carrying out a rearmament plan. If I call for more Europe today, it means that I am approving the work of the European institutions, and for me this work goes in the completely opposite direction, in fact, in my opinion it will contribute to undermining greater European integration, and I say this as a convinced pro-European.”
-Photo Ipa Agency-