EU, Conte “Rearmament plan does not fall from the sky, government responsible”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The Von der Leyen plan for crazy spending on weapons by European countries does not suddenly fall from the sky. The Meloni government – of which Salvini is also a member – is totally and fully responsible for it. If Italy will be able to spend more than 30 billion more on arms and military spending while putting only 3 billion on the bill-carrier and bringing health care relative to GDP to the lowest for 17 years we have to say thanks to Meloni. It was Meloni who signed the insane European constraints that force us to tighten our belts on health care, schools and services (Stability Pact) and it was also Meloni who insisted on having a green light for unbridled spending on weapons.”

This was written on social media by M5s leader Giuseppe Conte, who added, “Here you can hear some of the many statements with which Meloni and Tajani are calling for more military investment and exulting in getting it. None of this was in their electoral program and it does not appear that the citizens voted them in giving them this mandate.
We must stop this crazy logic whereby more and more is spent on weapons, while paychecks are cut and crumbs are left for families and businesses that close because of bills. On April 5, everyone in the streets.”
-photo Ipa Agency-.