EU, Moratti “Automotive fundamental pillar of the economy”

BRUSSELS (BELGIUM) (ITALPRESS) – EPP Group MEP and President of Forza Italia’s National Council, Letizia Moratti, met Stephane Sejournè, executive vice president of the European Commission and European Commissioner for Industry, Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium Enterprises and the Single Market. Along with them was the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso. At the center of the discussion, hosted in Bollate by the multinational Syensq-Solvay, the competitiveness and economic development of the European Union and the revision of the Green Deal also in the light of the crises of several sectors, in particular that of automotive with regard also to the important position paper approved yesterday by the EPP on the subject.”Automotive,” Moratti stressed, “is a fundamental pillar of the European economy, the automotive sector provides more than 13.8 million quality jobs along the entire value chain and contributes to 7 percent of the EU’s GDP, generating wealth in all member states. “In this framework,” he continued, “I represented to Commissioner Sèjournè how all industries, starting with small ones, must be able to continue to guarantee specialized and quality jobs. Plant closures and drastic staff reductions are facts to which policy must respond. European manufacturers are committed to innovation and have already put quality electric vehicles on the market, but the market is not yet ready.””That is why,” Moratti concluded, “as an EPP we strongly support the principle of technological neutrality, which will allow the mandatory electric motor to overtake it by 2035, including consumer-friendly solutions. YES to the combustion engine, but powered by alternative fuels of non-fossil origin, therefore environmentally friendly. Biofuels for example, which Italy already produces in large quantities, and which we want to play a role in a just and objective transition.”

– Press office photo Letizia Moratti –