ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Nurses represent the category most affected by assaults against healthcare workers. Although there have been important steps forward on countering and preventing them, violence continues, particularly against women.” Thus the National Federation of Nursing Professions Orders, on the occasion of the National Day of Education and Prevention against Violence against Health and Social Workers.
“These episodes, often, arise from the lack of responses that citizens suffer due to staff shortages, which worsen a situation of organizational discomfort and work stress,” explains Fnopi. “Alongside the containment measures implemented by the government, which are also yielding concrete results in terms of convictions, it is necessary to build a path of awareness among citizens with respect to the proper use of the facilities and services of the National Health Service.
According to Fnopi, “new integrated organizational models are needed, capable of intercepting citizens’ needs and providing adequate responses. It is necessary to connect hospital and territory. As a Federation we have always been available to do our part, collaborating with institutions and working on the training of our professionals so that they are increasingly prepared both from a relational point of view, according to the principles of the code of ethics, and in terms of continuing education.”
-Photo Ipa/Agency-