For 7 out of 10 Italians, PA is attractive as an employer

ROME (ITALPRESS) – No longer just the myth of the “fixed job”: if 7 out of 10 Italians now consider the Public Administration attractive as an employer, this is because they also see it as an important professional experience (28 percent), in addition to stable employment (which still remains the predominant answer, with 44 percent of respondents). The public sector is perceived as more modern, digital and innovative, increasingly central to the country’s growth, and there is widespread optimism about the improvements that artificial intelligence can bring in the coming years. Citizens, on the other hand, are split on the NRP, dividing between those who see it as an opportunity and those who believe it will turn out to be a missed opportunity. This is what emerges from Barometro PA, the survey conducted by FPA, a DIGITAL360 company, on a sample of 500 citizens representative of the Italian population, to measure opinion on innovation processes within the PA. A survey released on the occasion of the presentation event of FPA’s 10th Annual Report, the publication that recounts the main phenomena of the last year and the 2025 outlook in the Italian public sector.According to the PA Barometer, in 2025 the image of the public administration is confirmed as positive in the eyes of citizens, after the good results recorded already last year. For 44% of Italians, the public sector is attractive as a possible employer for themselves or a family member due to job security and stability, for 28% due to important professional experience. Only 23% are not interested in public sector employment. With respect to services provided by public agencies, in a substantial stability, as many as one-third of Italians (31 percent) rate PA as “much more digital and innovative” than a year ago, and only 12 percent still see it as analog and not very innovative. Among the different areas of PA, the most confidence is placed in Health, then in Security and, tied, in Social Services and Cultural Promotion.In the coming years, PA will represent one of the areas most affected by the adoption of Artificial Intelligence, and in this area the share of optimists grows by ten points in one year: for 34 percent of citizens, AI can help strengthen public administration. Although there is no shortage of doubters (for 24% it is just another technology) and skeptics (for 20% the PA is not ready to handle this revolution), 22% have no opinion. Among many aspects, for Italians, AI can affect above all the quality of the services offered (53%) and the simplification of technical and regulatory language (42%, an idea widespread especially among young people). To a lesser extent, in improving efficiency and productivity (39 percent) or preventing fraud or scams (33 percent).

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