Frattesi “At the European Championships too much pressure, now on the right track”

FLORENCE (ITALPRESS) – “We kind of missed having fun on the field. At the European Championships there was too much pressure from the outside and then we put it in ourselves a little bit.” This was said by Azzurri midfielder Davide Frattesi at a press conference in Coverciano, where the national team is preparing Monday’s match in Udine against Israel, valid for the Nations League group stage. “There was more talent in the national teams a few years ago but what counts is the spirit,” added Frattesi. “We showed strength in beating France and in those 40′ against Belgium, it means we are on the right path. Also testifying to this is the top spot in the Nations League group. “The match against Israel is very important because we want to stay first in the group. It will be a tough match because they are a good team, with good players, we will have to be good at managing in case we go ahead which we didn’t do in the first leg taking an avoidable goal.” Frattesi also talks about his relationship with the coach. “When we arrived here in September, I talked to him in the gym, he complimented me, told me that he held me in high esteem and that I was the one he was yelling at the most,” Frattesi added. “Now his yelling is a little less because I am starting to do more of what he asks of me. I don’t agree when he said that the blame for the European was mainly his because we were on the field.” Frattesi also came to the defense of Lorenzo Pellegrini, in the crosshairs of criticism from part of the Roma fans and fresh off an expulsion in the national team that cost the Azzurri dearly against Belgium. “I am really sorry. Lorenzo is a very good person, there is no doubt about that, and as a player he is strong. I watch them Roma games and when he comes here he is another player. Against Belgium I saw him really well, such a balanced captain who also thinks about others you have to hold on to him. It is not an easy moment but I hope with all my heart that he will come out of it.” – Photo Ipa Agency -(ITALPRESS).