From Forza Italia initiatives on the South, industry and women

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Industrial Plan for Italy and Europe,” “The Roots of the South,” and “Project Illumina,” are the three Forza Italia initiatives presented by the deputy prime minister and national secretary of the Azzurri, Antonio Tajani, in the presence of, among others, the group leader at the Camara, Paolo Barelli; the Azzurri group leader at the European Parliament, Fulvio Martusciello; and Forza Italia’s economic manager, Maurizio Casasco. “Forza Italia wants to be a protagonist in Italian politics by making concrete initiatives and proposals. Few chatters and few slogans but concrete ideas,” Tajani said, explaining that it is the “first time that a party lends an industrial policy project in a particular moment that is the international contingency. It is essential that there is a fundamental contribution and to give an overall design in a manufacturing reality like the EU. There is a need to give a real industrial policy to Europe,” he continued, “after the exaggerations and some political follies related to the green deal that risked putting the country’s industrial policy in serious difficulty. In the face of the risk of a structural decline of industry not only in Italy, but in the entire Eurozone, the blue movement proposes an organic, comprehensive project drawn up by Forza Italia’s Economy department for a Growth Deal functional to the reindustrialization, competitiveness and productivity of the country’s production system, incentivizing investment in R&D and, therefore, the ability to make innovation. This project is the culmination of a series of consultations with production categories and the labor world, culminating in the Milan conference last January 25, in which the major stakeholders of the Italian economy were involved in a choral reflection. As for the South, the itinerant initiative was designed to strengthen the values and presence of Forza Italia in the South, but also and above all to spark a constructive internal debate within the party, aimed at turning the spotlight on the so-called ‘southern issue. “We want to give a signal to all Italian women with an initiative that involves all municipalities because we will present motions for the strengthening of illuminations in cities,” Tajani explained. With the third initiative, Forza Italia pledges to present in each municipality a motion to install, in the most isolated and darkest areas, an adequate lighting system where there was none or to upgrade it, in order to make cities safer, especially in areas at risk and especially for women and the most fragile. In fact, the project will be launched on March 8. “Forza Italia strongly believes that industry is a driver of the real and social economy. That is why Forza Italia, after listening to the business and production system, has produced a document. We need to make it clear that we do not need regulations, but to insist on competitiveness, through research, development, innovation, digital systems. We also need to think about private industry: we have a differential of 1.5 percent of GDP on research and development, compared to the United States, which has 2.8 percent, so the issue of research, development, innovation is fundamental,” explained Maurizio Casasco, Forza Italia deputy and head of the party’s Economy department. (ITALPRESS).-Photo: xb1/Italpress-