Giacomoni “Study fund will be operational, only requirement is merit”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “I thank the Minister of Sport and Youth Policies, Andrea Abodi, because it is thanks to the teamwork done in recent months between his ministry, the Ministry of University and Scientific Research, Consap, Mef and Palazzo Chigi that we were able to relaunch and strengthen the Study Fund, established in 2010 by the Berlusconi government with Giorgia Meloni as Minister of Youth. The Fund never got off the ground because it lacked the state’s guarantee of last resort. Thanks to an amendment approved to the Sports and Education Decree, now this guarantee is there.” Thus the president of Consap, Sestino Giacomoni, a guest on TgCom24. “To access the Fund,” he explains, “the only requirement will be merit: income does not count, the family of origin does not count, it only matters that the boy has the desire to study and commit himself. In fact, I think it is a crime if there is a boy who wants to study that this does not happen because he does not have the economic resources with which to pay for university studies or housing rent. With the guarantee of last resort, young people will be able to go to a bank and receive a loan to study, a loan that they will only have to repay 30 months later from the last tranche received and after they have graduated and found employment. The tool is fundamental to the Italian system and already works in all other countries around the world. Consap has also made a commitment with President Meloni to simplify procedures through an IT platform that we are improving through an agreement with the Department of Youth Policy. The goal is to digitize the whole process to speed up the loan disbursement time. The government and Parliament have done their part through the public guarantee, Consap will do its part by simplifying and digitizing the procedures. Now we expect banks to do their part by adhering in large numbers to the Memorandum of Understanding for the disbursement of loans to deserving students that the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy is developing together with the Ministry of University and Scientific Research,” Giacomoni concludes.
-Photo: Photogram Agency-