ROME (ITALPRESS) – Promoting a reflection on the reconciliation of work time and life time, analyzing the past, present and future of the condition of women, with a focus on how to overcome inequalities in work and care: this is the goal of “Beyond Differences: an alliance to transform the future,” the event hosted in the Senate, sponsored by Global Women in PR Italy, under the auspices of Inclusion Women, to highlight the importance of alliances between men and women to achieve greater gender equity and overcome resistance to change by actively engaging men in the culture of equality to build shared visions for a more just future. “The women’s issue takes on a centrality, if possible even greater than it has been so far, especially in relation to the great issue of demographic winter. We have to-and the Meloni government is doing this-prepare a society that is capable for women who choose to have children to be able to do so without risking being put back into the poor category. This is a big battle that represents an urgency: 1.2 is a number that indicates the so-called replacement rate, the average children per woman of reproductive age in Italy; those who are better off in Europe are at 1.7. We are dying out. It’s a big issue that concerns anthropology but also government action,” said Guido Castelli, the government’s extraordinary commissioner for earthquake repair and reconstruction 2016.For Marche Region President Francesco Acquaroli, events like this combine “the experience of long paths and also practical examples, like that of the Manifattura Italiana Tabacchi, for the enhancement of rights, but above all a culture that comes from a long journey.” These are “experiences that should lead us today to reflect and understand, even overcoming ideological approaches, how we can face the challenge of inclusion and gender equality. “Telling the story of Manifattura Italiana Tabacchi is Ceo Salvatore La Mantia. “It is the most historic brand in Italy and one of the most historic brands in Europe: women’s welfare was born here in the 19th century. And as luck would have it, Maria Montessori was also born there, a fact that certainly gave an extra gear to the possibility for women to be able to work and at the same time be able to manage all the domestic tasks.” To this day, women represent “a high percentage within the workforce, with positions of prestige and power. A history that, on the one hand, is a source of pride and, on the other, stimulates to keep welfare high: in my opinion, all CEOs, presidents or general managers should have the obligation to maintain equality between women and men within companies. “Alliance, explained Carola Salvato, president of Global Women in PR Italy, means having “an approach made above all of the will to identify what unites us, not what separates us, and that involves in a transversal way all interlocutors. It is important to believe in the value of the alliance, men and women, because together we can the impossible. “For Florinda Scicolone, C-Level Legal Corporate Gender Equality and Compliance Advisor, “today more than ever we have the need and the awareness that we can reach the realization of the principle of equal opportunity only if an alliance takes place, a collaboration between men and women, between institutions, associations and professionals in the business world. Only in this way can social justice, that is, the realization of the principle of equal opportunity, be achieved. “We are all equal, only our culture must change: there are no differences, there are duties and rights for all. As President of the Women Economic Forum Italy,” added Marilena Citelli Francese, “I am in contact with 150 countries and I see a huge gap, but I find that there is a lot of mobility: for example, in African countries women really fight,” compared to what happens “in a civilization that is now constructed, where some women still require to live in a comfort zone, because fighting for their rights or for the duties of others is heavy. Much better, some times not to talk about it at all.”
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