CAGLIARI (ITALPRESS) – “With the approval of the reorganization law in the Regional Council, we put a period and open a new phase, restoring certainty to citizens, enhancing care and assistance services, strengthening the link between hospitals and the territory and enhancing the natural vocations of health facilities. All this with a more efficient management of resources and skills.” Thus the president of the Region of Sardinia, Alessandra Todde, after the approval in the Regional Council of Law 40 on health care reform.
The go-ahead did not come until late in the evening, with 33 votes in favor and 16 against, after a long process that saw tough confrontation between majority and opposition. The core of the measure consists of the resetting of the top management of health care, with the commissioning of eight ASLs, Areus, Arnas Brotzu and the two hospital boards of Cagliari and Sassari.
“We have kept the commitment we made in the election campaign with the Sardinians,” Todde says again, “no new reforms that would have further crippled the health care system, which was already severely in trouble, but targeted and concrete interventions on the existing law. A necessary action to correct the organizational and managerial criticalities that for too long have penalized Sardinians. I thank the majority for the great teamwork that made it possible to achieve this important result. The approval of the law to reorganize Sardinian health care is a demonstration of solid cohesion and a shared vision that put the good of citizens and the improvement of the health care system at the center. First step to provide effective and rapid responses to the care needs of Sardinians,” he concludes.
Health Councillor Armando Bartolazzi goes into the substance of the measure: “We also introduce fundamental innovations such as the definition of hospital missions in synergy with the territories.” And again, “the establishment of three regional reference centers for prevention, rehabilitation and mental health, the establishment of the Children’s Hospital in Cagliari and the simultaneous start of a path for the recognition of an Institute of hospitalization and care of a scientific nature in Sardinia. This law repairs the dysfunctions that led to the progressive stalemate in health care in the last legislature, the result of a lack of clarity in the application of regulations that should have instead ensured synergistic coordination among the ASLs and with respect to the territory,” Bartolazzi concludes.
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