ROME (ITALPRESS) – In the morning, at the Aula Magna of the Carabinieri Officers’ School in Rome, Undersecretary of State for Defense Isabella Rauti declared open the Academic Year 2024 – 2025, in the presence of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and numerous institutional, parliamentary, government and diplomatic personalities, as well as representatives of the Judiciary, Armed Forces and Police Forces. At the event, the Commander of the School, Division General Claudio Domizi, gave the welcome address, introducing the speech by Commander General Salvatore Luongo. General Luongo expressed his gratitude for the presence of the authorities and guests, on the occasion of the celebration of an event that ‘is part of the tradition of this institute of excellence where the Force trains its Commanders of tomorrow, passing on to them skills but essentially those values that have always characterized the mission of the Carabiniere.’ In his speech, the Commanding General outlined the new challenges that the Carabinieri Corps is called to face in an era of profound transformations and significant threats that come ‘from the so-called new domains, referring to space, underwater, cyber and cognitive dimensions, the information environment and the electromagnetic spectrum.’
And among other things, a central concept of his speech was that of militariness, ‘an indispensable requirement for the Carabinieri and takes on a strategic connotation, exalting the sense of ethics, the spirit of service and sacrifice, values that the Arma shares with the other Armed Forces.’ With this in mind and in adherence to the directives of the Minister of Defense, the Carabinieri Corps has initiated programs to upgrade and strengthen the institution’s military capabilities, in full accordance with the guidelines of the Chief of Defense Staff.
Prior to the conclusion of the event, the Prime Minister, accompanied by the Undersecretary of State for Defense, the Chief of Defense Staff, the Commander General of the Carabinieri Corps and the Commandant of the School, presented a parchment to five course leaders representing all attending officers.
– photo Carabinieri press office –