ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The 1 percent growth does not excite me, but there is also no need to dramatize when there is a reduction: the data are up but do not provide an answer to the issues we have been raising, namely the loss of purchasing power, wages and pensions.” Uil Secretary Pierpaolo Bombardieri tells ReStart, on Rai 3. “We continue to ask for interventions from the government and tomorrow, on the occasion of Uil’s 75th anniversary, we will make further proposals on the issue of labor, on which choices must be made: more than a thousand contracts have been filed with the Cnel and many are at lower economic levels,” Bombardieri adds.
And on the minimum wage and other issues related to the world of employment: “On the minimum wage, we had proposed to make it coincide with the minimum entry levels of the most representative contracts: tomorrow we will ask the government for a rule to support an agreement signed by all the social partners, which measures the representativeness of unions and employer associations. All workers must have the opportunity to vote in the private sector to measure representation,” Bombardieri continued. “Only then will we have the opportunity to say who represents what in the contractual sphere: in this country, the signing of pirate contracts weakens the economic treatment and rights of workers; 6 million workers have their contracts expired.
Finally, on the European Union’s Green Deal, Bombardieri is clear: “We should not question the Green Deal, but the tools through which it was arrived at: if there is no social transition, we are not going anywhere. We asked the European Commission for more investment and a change of horizon; hybrid engines should be used in the transition to electric. U.S. duties in Italy could result in a higher outlay of 7 billion euros and a loss of 60 million jobs. Apart from employment data, economic treatments should be analyzed: workers are suffering, the quality of wages is poor,” the Uil secretary concluded.
– IPA Agency photo –