ROME (ITALPRESS) – In December 2024, compared with the previous month, the employed were essentially stable, the unemployed grew and the inactive fell. This is announced by Istat.The stability of employment is a summary of the increase among men, permanent employees and those aged 35-49 and the decline among women, term employees, the self-employed and among those under 25 years of age; the other age groups are essentially stable. The employment rate falls to 62.3 percent (-0.1 points).The increase in job seekers (+5.8 percent, or +88 thousand) affects men, women and all age groups except 15-24 year olds. The unemployment rate rises to 6.2 percent (+0.3 points), the youth unemployment rate falls to 19.4 percent (-0.1 points).The decrease in the inactive (-0.5 percent, or -58 thousand) involves both genders and 25-49 year olds, while there is an increase in the other age groups. The inactivity rate falls to 33.5 percent (-0.2 points).Comparing the fourth quarter with the previous quarter, there is an increase in the number of employed people of 0.1 percent (+27 thousand).The growth in employment, observed in the quarterly comparison, is associated with a decrease in job seekers (-3.7 percent, or -58 thousand) and an increase in the inactive (+0.5 percent, or +59 thousand).As of December 2024, the number of employed people exceeds that of December 2023 by 1.2% (+274 thousand units); the increase involves men, women, and those aged 35 years and older, while 15-34 year olds show a decrease. The employment rate in one year rises by 0.3 percentage points.Compared with December 2023, the number of people looking for work decreases (-11.8%, or -213 thousand units) and the number of inactive people aged 15-64 grows (+1.4%, or +167 thousand). “In December 2024, compared with the previous month, the number of employed people is basically stable, standing at 24 million 65 thousand. The trend is a synthesis of the growth of permanent employees, which rise to 16 million 422 thousand, and the decrease of term employees and the self-employed, which fall to 2 million 554 thousand and 5 million 90 thousand, respectively,” Istat comments. The growth of employment compared to December 2023 (+274 thousand employed) is also a synthesis of the increase of permanent employees (+687 thousand) and the decrease of term employees (-402 thousand) and the self-employed (-11 thousand). On a monthly basis, the employment rate falls to 62.3 percent and the inactivity rate to 33.5 percent, while the unemployment rate rises to 6.2 percent.”
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