Maneuver, Meloni “Without superbonus we would have had double the resources”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The budget maneuver is in continuity with the choices the government has made with the two previous financial laws. We have focused resources on some key priorities, with a medium- and long-term vision, keeping the accounts in order and concentrating on a growth perspective for Sistema Italia, even in the international context that is anything but easy in which we operate.” This was said by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni during a meeting with labor unions at Palazzo Chigi. “I see this as a change of step from the approach we have seen too many times in the past, when it was preferred to adopt measures that were more useful to gather consensus in the immediate term than to lay the foundations for lasting growth, offloading the cost of those measures onto those who would come after. Like us, who reap the serious legacy of debts that weigh like a boulder on public accounts,” the premier explained. “I will cite two numbers to make it clear what I am talking about: 30 and 38. 30 billion is the total value of this budget maneuver; 38 are the billions that, in 2025 alone, the Superbonus launched by the Conte 2 government to renovate less than 4 percent of Italian residential properties, mainly second and third homes, that is, money from which those who were better off benefited most. The largest regressive income redistribution operation in the history of Italy. With the same resources, any measure in this budget law could have been more than doubled. It applies to health care, public contracts, schools, wage increases etc. I know that even on this some of you disagree, having defended the superbonus measure and objected to our corrections to the measure, but I say this to clarify the framework in which we operate. “This time, too, we have decided to concentrate resources on certain priorities: support for low and middle incomes, support for work, incentives for families with children, reduction of the tax burden, increased resources in health care and the renewal of public employees’ contracts,” Meloni said again. We have decided to confirm and strengthen the main measures introduced in previous years, particularly related to the world of work and family support, making some of them structural, as, moreover, was requested especially by labor organizations.”

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