RIMINI (ITALPRESS) – The Fipav has mapped out its future. In fact, the 47th National Assembly, a long-awaited institutional event that saw the re-election of Giuseppe Manfredi at the helm of the Italian Volleyball Federation for the next four-year Olympic period 2025-2028, ended at the Palacongressi di Rimini. With a great participation of the national volleyball scene: in fact, 3,138 out of 3,484 (90.07%) clubs entitled to vote were accredited. In addition to the confirmation of the number 1 Fipav, as known, the new Federal Council was elected.Those elected for the four-year period 2025-28. Federal president: Giuseppe Manfredi (146,153 votes – 96.8%); federal vice president (2 seats): Massimo Sala (135,055 votes), Elio Sità (109,196); Federal Council (8 seats): Davide Anzalone (182,250 votes), Stefano Bianchini (194,140 votes), Giuseppina Cenedese (170,600 votes), Giuseppe Lomurno (142,560 votes), Marco Mari (120,020 votes), Giusy Piredda (138,330 votes), Luigi Saetta (144,360 votes), Silvia Strigazzi (164,050 votes); Councilor representing athletes/ athletes (3 seats of which 2 are women): Andrea Abbiati (6.492 votes), Antonella Di Cesare (4,828 votes), Enrica Merlo (6,604 votes); Councilor representing technicians (1 seat): Vincenzo Santomassimo (3,142 votes); Chairman Board of Auditors (1 seat): Vincenzo Marranzini (136,947 votes). “The least I can say is thank you. Now comes the best part,” Manfredi said immediately after the re-election. “I am thrilled right now to see so many of you here for this National Assembly. I am really happy to see our whole world here. The societies are here, the leaders are here, and we can proudly say that we are a great Federation. I thank you especially for what we still have to do. I hope to continue to be exactly as I have always been. I plan to still come all over the territory; with the help of the regional presidents, I want to talk to all the clubs. I thank the outgoing Federal Council; they were all outstanding and helped me so much. They have done a more than egregious job. Each of them, maybe in different roles, will always be close to our wonderful world. Last thanks I want to give to all the guys who work for this wonderful Federation.” “Unfortunately, three people of the nominated councilors will not be able to be elected, however, I can assure that all of them are more than adequate profiles to be part of the next Federal Council,” Manfredi added.Those experienced at the Rimini Palacongressi, Fipav stressed in a note, were two days of fundamental importance for the entire Italian volleyball movement, enhanced by the presence of Fivb president Fabio Azevedo, Cev managing director Vuk Karanovic, Women’s Volleyball League president Mauro Fabris and Men’s Volleyball League president Massimo Righi.
– photo press office Fipav -(ITALPRESS).