ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Auschwitz is the non-place par excellence, a nebula where spatial coordinates are lost and time stands still. It is an unsurpassable warning and, at the same time, a temptation that often surfaces.” Thus President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, during the Memorial Day celebration at the Quirinale. “The Nazi extermination was not born by chance. It was a death machine lucidly designed by men to suppress innocent men and women, entire communities, cultures, peoples, considered inferior. People who, according to that bloodthirsty madness, were not such, had no right to exist. A lethal and mephitic thought took party form and, through terror and propaganda, became a regime. It went so far as to convince millions of citizens, that their happiness, their and the nation’s well-being, were hindered by the sparse presence of Jews and other small minorities. Auschwitz,” he stressed, “is the culmination of a system, the landing point of a barbaric and inhuman ideology. It is the direct consequence of the racist laws, ignominiously enacted also in Italy by the fascist regime, and of the Nazi anti-Jewish fury, of which the fascist regime and the Republic of Salò were accomplices and collaborators, up to the ‘final solution. Auschwitz represents the deepest and darkest abyss ever touched in human history.”
So “we do not give in to despondency. We have confidence in the future of humanity, in the wisdom of peoples, in the determination of so many women and men who are able to prevent, with honesty and courage, that dark forces can prevail over humanity’s natural aspiration for peace, justice, brotherhood. Let us then also repeat, with particular determination in these our days, in schools, universities, workplaces, homes and squares, that loud and high cry, which comes, every day and forever, from the enclosure of Auschwitz: ‘Never again!'” The head of state warned against “resurgent anti-Semitism, a growing plague, which we strongly reject. It is painful and unacceptable that there are despicable racist insults to Senator Segre, on those social media that were born as an expression of freedom and that risk instead, often, to become an instrument of violence and denial of rights. A curb must be put on them. These are serious crimes, which must be prosecuted to protect freedom and justice,” he concluded.
-Photo: Quirinal-