LECCE (ITALPRESS) – “The 70th anniversary of the university is an important anniversary and I would like to connect the two moments, then and now. Connecting the moment of the university’s birth with that of today, 70 years ago the birth, in the 1950s, with Italy still struggling after the devastation of the war, the great far-sighted commitment of citizens, of those who imagined, proposed, indulged, in the people of Salento, the decision to invest in culture, not only as an element of social growth, of full citizenship of each person but also as an engine of development of the territory should be remembered.” This was said by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, speaking at the opening ceremony of the 70th academic year of the University of Salento, in Lecce. “That was a moment of adult, protagonist southernism,” the head of state added, “which led to today’s moment. The university continues to promote, to accompany this development, and in this historical moment, like the other universities in the country, it offers the opportunity to give an answer to the search for new arrangements in the changing conditions, such deep, fast, radical changes, from artificial intelligence to the great instruments of communication and connection. “For the president of the Republic, “now new balances must be found through culture. It is a matter of stimulating research, the transmission of knowledge, in the connection of the various disciplines, always placing the human person at the center. There is a need to recall, in such radical and profound changes, the centrality of the person, his rights, his freedom. Recall this which is actually the center, the pivot, of European civilization. The person at the center, dialogue, mutual respect, confrontation.”
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