Meloni “For the suburbs Government committed to the front line”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “In Caivano we showed that the state, if it puts will, perseverance and determination into it, can fulfill a commitment it makes to its citizens. In a complex territory, abandoned and forgotten for decades, we told decent and honest people that the state could be trusted again and that we would be at their side. We put security and legality back at the center first, trivially because without security and legality there is no freedom, no possibility of carrying out redevelopment, no preconditions for creating jobs and welfare. And we then continued the journey, bringing back to that territory the joy of simple, almost trivial things.” So said Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni – according to reports – during the meeting at Palazzo Chigi to take stock of the definition of the extraordinary plan provided by the Caivano-bis decree.

“In Caivano we showed that things can change. We put our faces on a challenge that others had considered too difficult; we did it with extraordinary teamwork and day after day we put bricks on top of each other to rebuild Caivano. It is a model that we want to extend to all those realities where the state has been less present or, worse, has chosen to take a step backward. We wanted the Caivano-bis decree and planned to apply this mode of intervention to 8 other realities, that is, the realities that you administer and know better than anyone else,” the premier added.

For the Caivano-bis decree “we identified the resources – 180 million from the Development and Cohesion Funds – and built a mechanism to identify, together, the initiatives to be carried out. Focusing, in particular, on interventions for the redevelopment of the suburbs and on what was most useful to give an answer to the concrete needs of families and the youngest,” the Premier continued. “In Rozzano, we will try to give concreteness to the dream of Daniele Scardina, a boxing champion known to most as King Toretto, struck down in 2023 by a cerebral hemorrhage that completely changed his life. For years he has been pursuing his personal battle to walk again, and to build a gym in his hometown to teach boxing to younger people, particularly the disabled. In Rome we have chosen to focus our attention on Quarticciolo, a neighborhood in Municipality V that is located in the eastern quadrant of the capital between Palmiro Togliatti and Prenestina, and to focus our attention on what the area needs most, namely services and facilities for children and young people, starting with kindergartens, equipped areas and sports facilities,” the premier explained.

“In Naples we will focus on Scampia and Secondigliano, and one of the most significant interventions we plan to carry out is to clear and reclaim the area of the Roma camp in Via Cupa Perillo in Scampia and to build a rugby field in its place, to be entrusted to the management of the Fiamme Oro. In Orta Nova, on the other hand, we will take care of giving a very important signal in terms of security and legality, upgrading the building that will house the Carabinieri’s lieutenancy. In Rosarno and San Ferdinando our action will focus on an intervention that I consider extremely important, namely the dismantling and total reclamation of the area on which the Rosarno tent city has stood for decades now. A ghetto, a free zone, which a Nation worthy of the name cannot tolerate one more day. We will dismantle and reclaim the tent city, and build decent housing for the many seasonal agricultural laborers who work there. In Catania, we have chosen to deal with the San Cristoforo neighborhood, which is one of the oldest and most populous in the Etnean capital. In particular, our focus will be on the redevelopment of Via Playa,” he added.

“Finally, again in Sicily, Palermo. Together with Mayor Lagalla, whom I greet, we have envisioned a series of very significant interventions, and among them the one I want to mention is the choice to start a project of maintenance and structural rehabilitation of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle in Borgo Nuovo. The church is a landmark in the neighborhood, but it has been closed for more than 20 years and has sunk into decay, becoming a bit of a symbol of neglect in the neighborhood. Here, this is just a small cross-section of what we intend to do in the coming months and which is part of a broader strategy that will see the government engaged in the front line, exactly as happened in Caivano, where every articulation of the state moved, did its part and made its contribution,” Meloni concluded.

-Photo Ipa/Agency-