Meloni “We need a new alliance between businesses and workers”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – We need to “combine subsidiarity and growth, refound the dynamic between business and labor by overcoming the toxic conflictual vision that even in the union world some continue to advocate. To lay the foundations of a new alliance between employer and worker, to promote workers’ participation in the destiny of their enterprise. That is why we had no difficulty in supporting the ICFTU’s bill on participation, it is not a complacent endorsement but I come from a political history that has made worker participation one of the qualifying points.” Thus Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the national assembly of the Cisl. According to the premier, moreover, “the impact of artificial intelligence on the world of the labor market is one of the big issues. We are moving toward a world where workers risk not being needed. We need to govern the processes and we are already lagging behind. The big challenge is to build the basis of a labor market where there are still blue collar workers, technicians and professionals who will do the same job, but in a different way. On these challenges the government does not demand and does not intend to work alone, but wants to learn from workplaces.”(ITALPRESS).-Photo frame video Palazzo Chigi-