Middle East, Pope “Cease fire immediately, respect UN forces”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “I continue to follow with concern what is happening in the Middle East and once again call for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts. Let the paths of diplomacy and dialogue be pursued to achieve peace.”
So said Pope Francis during the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square, addressing the crowd in attendance. “I am close to all the populations involved, Palestine, Israel and Lebanon, where I ask that the United Nations peacekeeping forces be respected. I pray for all the victims, for the displaced, for the hostages, whom I hope will be released immediately and I hope that this great and unnecessary suffering generated by hatred and revenge will end soon,” he added. “War is an illusion, it is a defeat. It will never bring peace, it will never bring security. It is a defeat for everyone, especially for those who think they are invincible. Please stop,” the Holy Father concluded.
-Photo: Photogram Agency-