Moles “Energy key geopolitical tool”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Today, the world is witnessing a revolution in energy technologies, and if the energy market and international relations have always been closely linked, the positive or negative use of the energy resource is now a fundamental geopolitical tool, from which the action that every actor plays in the international system can no longer disregard.” This was said by Giuseppe Moles, CEO of Acquirente Unico, speaking at the Energy and Circular Economy Days organized by Globe and the World Energy Council, underway in Trevi. “It is no coincidence,” Moles pointed out, “that in the report presented by Mario Draghi to the European Commission and Parliament, ‘The Future of European Competitiveness,’ one of the terms most often used is cooperation: between EU countries, to find joint solutions to common problems, to create commercial partnerships with non-EU countries. In addition, the importance of adopting a common strategy for “critical raw materials” is stressed, so much so that a real “resource diplomacy” is proposed to develop new infrastructure in developing countries and increase investment in third countries, particularly in Africa. “In my opinion,” Moles continued, “the ‘resource diplomacy’ Draghi talks about is not only nothing but ‘energy diplomacy and geopolitics,’ but it is also absolutely in line with the guidelines and objectives of the Mattei Plan. This Italian strategic project has the merit of giving organicity to all cooperation and development initiatives in Africa, aiming to combine diplomacy, investment and development cooperation in order to strengthen and renew ties with the African continent, give coherence to all related activities and give system to the individual initiatives of the past and present.” “An important contribution that as a system-Country we can make is to make Italy become the Energy Hub of Europe (not only vis-à-vis the African continent), with a simultaneous benefit both at the national and European level, acting as a stimulus to create a real governance of the Energy Union, overcoming individual approaches dictated by national selfishness,” he concluded.

– Photo: Photogram Agency –