Murder investigation in Bergamo: elusive cyclist identified, new leads emerged

Investigators in Bergamo are closing in on a key figure in the investigation of the brutal murder of Sharon Verzeni, 33, who was stabbed to death nearly a month ago on Via Castegnate in Terno d’Isola. Surveillance footage from the night of the crime has led authorities to a man on a bicycle, whose identity is almost confirmed. However, despite this breakthrough, investigators have yet to question the cyclist, who remains unaccounted for, adding a layer of mystery to the already complex case.

The cyclist was identified through the distinctive clothing he wore and the specific model of bicycle he rode, seen traveling against traffic on the street where the murder occurred. Additional confirmation may have been obtained through analysis of phone records from the area. Yet, the man’s continued absence raises questions about why he has not come forward, further complicating the ongoing investigation led by Carabinieri, alongside forensic experts from the ROS and RIS units, who are meticulously analyzing DNA evidence found at the crime scene.

Amidst these developments, the investigation has also turned to Sharon’s personal life, including a recent analysis of her bank account. This revealed payments related to professional courses linked to Scientology, the organization connected to her employers at a bar in Brembate, a few kilometers from Terno. While these transactions are not significant, they have fueled speculation about possible tensions with her partner, Sergio Ruocco. Despite the pressure, Ruocco has returned to work, maintaining his innocence and asserting that Sharon was killed by someone unknown to her, a belief shared by her grieving parents.

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