New Year’s Eve, dozens injured by year-end firecrackers

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The death toll from New Year’s Eve celebrations across Italy is once again heavy. A tally that continues to be updated by the hour and that in Naples alone speaks of at least sixty people who were victims of firecrackers or stray bullets. Among the injured in the Campania capital is also a tourist from Saudi Arabia. It was indeed a stray bullet that pierced his shoulder and lung. His condition is serious but his life would not be in danger. The young man, a 28-year-old, is now hospitalized at the Caldarelli Hospital in Naples.

Firefighter interventions related to fires caused by barrels throughout Italy totaled nearly nine hundred. The record, however, in this case belongs not to Campania but to Lombardy, where firefighters had to intervene to extinguish as many as 142 fires. Remarkable numbers also for Emilia Romagna (109 interventions), Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige (103), Campania (99) and Lazio (70 interventions).

In Bari, the condition of a young man injured by a gunshot wound worries. Investigations will clarify the contours of the case.

Instead, the New Year’s Eve toll speaks of four non-serious injuries in Milan. Incidents that were repeated as every year, despite the dozens of quintals of illegal firecrackers seized by law enforcement in recent days.

A real Santa Barbara spread throughout the country that bans imposed by municipalities have not touched.

In the hours immediately preceding the end of the year in Palermo alone, the Guardia di Finanza seized 18 quintals of firecrackers and explosive material of various kinds; 700 kilos in Reggio Calabria, 330 kilos in Ragusa.

Another 150,000 firecrackers were seized in Padua. More than a ton of firecrackers went the same way in Turin, another 1,000 pieces were seized in Brindisi. In the Giostra district of Messina, three youths were reported for 2,300 firecrackers illegally detained along with 5 kilograms of explosives.

Source photo Ipa Agency