ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The extension of the single role to Aifa’s healthcare management, approved by an amendment, will allow the agency to prevent the flight of high-profile professionals, while keeping its attractiveness high with a view to strengthening its workforce.” This is how the president of the Italian Medicines Agency, Robert Nisticò, comments on the approval of the single health role, provided for in the Budget Law. In the face of the absolute incompatibilities in force in the Agency, the rule will allow Aifa’s health managers to benefit from the exclusivity allowance on a par with their colleagues employed by the SSN and the Ministry of Health.”A decisive step forward toward the Agency’s efficiency,” Nisticò continues, “obtained thanks to the sensitivity of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the State General Accounting Department in particular, which have understood the strategic value of Aifa, which regulates, with its decisions on drug pricing and reimbursability, a market with a production value of 50 billion. An activity that with the forthcoming implementation of the European Regulation on Hta will entail greater commitment on the part of the Agency’s staff and managers, but also more revenue for services rendered,” Nisticò notes. The Aifa president thanks “the Minister of Health, for the attention given, and the Government as well as the Legislative Office Economy and the Department of the General State Accountancy for the consideration and valuable technical support provided.”(ITALPRESS).-Photo: Photogram Agency-