Nordio seeks revocation of arrest, Iranian Abedini goes free

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Iranian Mohammad Abedininajafabadi is free and is already in Tehran. The engineer’s release came after Minister Nordio filed a request with the Milan Court of Appeals to revoke his arrest.

This was announced by the Ministry of Justice itself, pointing out in a note that, “by virtue of Article 2 of the Extradition Treaty between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Italian Republic, only offenses punishable under the laws of both contracting parties may give rise to extradition, a condition that, as things stand, cannot be deemed to exist. The first conduct ascribed to the Iranian national of ‘conspiracy to violate Ieepa’ has no correspondence in the cases provided for and punished by the Italian criminal system; as for the second and third conduct, respectively of ‘conspiracy to provide material support to a terrorist organization resulting in death’ and ‘supplying and attempting to supply material support to a foreign terrorist organization resulting in death,’ no element appears to date to substantiate the charges brought emerging with certainty only the carrying out, through companies traceable to him, of activities of production and trade with his own country of technological instruments having potential, but not exclusive, military applications,” the note concludes.

– photo Photogram Agency –