Novartis, the stories of 6 women with breast cancer in the docufilm Distances

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Their names are Claudia, Marina, Chiara, Clara, Anna and Maria. They have different ages, different lives, different voices. What they have in common is a diagnosis of breast cancer. Their story is told by “Distances. Life goes on, farther,” the Novartis docuseries made in collaboration with Salute Donna Onlus, an association to which the women involved belong, which celebrates the ability to cope with the disease without losing their identity and strength, showing that today these women can benefit from a longer life perspective and a better quality of life. Premiered at the Rome Film Festival, the series is part of the “It’s Time to Live” campaign (, created to provide emotional, informational and practical support to patients to improve their overall well-being. With 30 percent of women’s cancer diagnoses and an estimated 55,900 new cases by 2023, the disease is a priority for the national health care system. However, thanks to advances in scientific research and pharmaceutical innovation, women can now count on a longer life expectancy and significantly improved quality of life. To ensure quality of life for patients, it is essential to consider not only the effectiveness of clinical treatments, but also their overall well-being with a holistic approach. This means addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of the disease, helping women maintain a mental and relational balance that allows them to face the daily challenges of the treatment path with greater strength and serenity, as explained by Professor Alessandra Fabi, Head of UOSD of Precision Medicine in Senology, Policlinico Gemelli in Rome: “Every woman facing breast cancer has a different story, because the disease manifests itself in a unique way for each patient. Our task is to personalize treatments, taking into account the specificities of each woman, to offer not only effective therapies but also support that embraces every aspect of their well-being. Quality of life is not only about managing the disease, but also about the ability to preserve relationships, intimacy and emotional balance, which are key elements in facing the course of treatment with strength. This is exactly what ‘Distances’ tells by showing how the protagonists manage to regain balance and hope along their life path.” In Italy today, more than 830,000 women are living with a diagnosis of breast cancer, a condition that brings with it often complex therapeutic challenges. Despite the severity of these numbers, survival at 5 years after diagnosis has reached 88 percent, and this is thanks in part to advances in scientific research. And when cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, this not only improves the chances of cure, but also reduces the need for invasive treatments and the risk of recurrence. “The personalized approach allows us to tailor treatments to the specific clinical needs of each woman,” explains Professor Paolo Marchetti, Scientific Director, IDI-IRCCS. “In cases of early-stage cancer, the efficacy of therapies is significantly improved, allowing patients to face the course of treatment with a reduced impact on their quality of life. It is essential to increase awareness of the risk of recurrence even in the early stages and to continue to invest in research that looks at the whole person.” With this series, Novartis renews its commitment to supporting women not only as patients, but as people, accompanying them throughout their journey against breast cancer. This support is manifested not only through innovative treatments, but also through a holistic approach to their well-being, including awareness-raising initiatives and support services. “At the heart of Novartis’ approach is the active and constant listening to patients throughout the patient journey,” says Chiara Gnocchi, Country Communications & Patient Engagement Head of Novartis Italy. Fifty-four percent of women with breast cancer say they have experienced difficulties in resuming work and 70 percent say their sexuality has been impacted. “The ‘Distances’ series aims to break the silence and taboos related to the disease, promoting a sincere and profound dialogue,” concluded Gnocchi. “Through authentic stories of women facing the disease, each episode then becomes a tool for support and empowerment. We celebrate the strength, resilience and hope that emerge along their journey, offering not only support but also the opportunity to inspire others with their stories.”

– photo xi2/Italpress -(ITALPRESS).