Olivi (Gemini) “Zeman stable, there is a slight improvement.”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Zeman’s clinical picture at the moment is stable, with slight improvement concerning some aspects of his ability to express language. He had an additional ischemia, but he is not in pain and we have noticed a slight improvement. We will do an MRI today to understand the course of this new ischemic event. But the important thing is that it is not worsening, on the contrary.” Thus Professor Alessandro Olivi, director of the complex operating unit of neurosurgery and neuroscience department at Gemelli Hospital, told “La Politica nel pallone” on Radio Rai Gr Parlamento about Zdenek Zeman’s condition. The former Bohemian technician, hospitalized at the Roman hospital, “will need physiotherapy for the motor part,” Olivi concluded.

-photo Ipa Agency-.