Orientation Pathway: a project to connect school and work at the School of Italy

The School of Italy launches Orientation Pathway, the new project to offer a new innovative educational experience for its students, linking school and the world of work: a pathway that combines the development of skills useful for the professional future with academic preparation.

The project is being developed in two phases. The first, which has already started, is devoted to a series of thematic seminars, scheduled until May. The meetings include the participation of experts and professionals from different fields, from entrepreneurship to medicine, from technology to art, with the aim of telling their experiences and inspiring the young people in their future choices. The first meeting was held on January 16 and featured Andrea Baldi, CEO of Lamborghini, as a speaker.

At the end of each seminar, students will fill out an evaluation form: not only to rate the meeting, but also to reflect on their own aspirations. The goal is to help them better navigate future possibilities, discovering new interests and areas they may have been unaware existed.

The second phase, which will be operational from the 2025/26 academic year, focuses instead on Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO), a form of internship recognized by the Ministry of Education. Students will thus have the opportunity to gain practical experience in companies, professional firms and other settings, acquiring useful skills and discovering how the world of work works.

To make this possible, the school will have to go through a series of organizational and bureaucratic steps, including the inclusion of the project in the Three-Year Plan of Educational Offerings (PTOF) and the creation of agreements with partner companies. But the project’s promoters, including Tiziana Palmisano, the project coordinator, are optimistic and convinced that the added value of this initiative will be able to attract the interest of students and families.

During these meetings, students will have the opportunity to listen to experts and professionals from different fields who will share with them both personal and professional experiences, their study paths, and eventually give advice on how to enter the world of work.

Tiziana Palmisano

The article Orientation Pathway: a project to connect school and work at School of Italy comes from TheNewyorker.

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