ROME (ITALPRESS) – The centers in Albania “are ready and will be very useful in speeding up the procedures for the recognition of protection to those who are entitled to it, but above all of the repatriation of those who are not. The recent Supreme Court ruling confirmed the possibility of an upcoming reactivation of the centers, which we will evaluate right from this summit. When they are operating at full capacity, like those implemented in Italy, they can in the long run produce important effects especially for those who are accepted but have no prospect of integration. I think it is short-sighted on the part of some people to concentrate all political efforts in the uncritical, prejudicial and absolute opposition to this project.” Thus, in an interview with Corriere della Sera, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi. On how much Salvini’s acquittal may affect the government’s line, the minister stresses that “it will have no influence, because that sentence represents only the end of a paradoxical affair of which my friend Matteo Salvini was the victim, who, moreover, has always pulled straight with dignity and consistency. It was a very important outcome, but the government’s line was drawn by the voters’ vote that gave birth to the center-right parliamentary majority to which, for a long time, Italians have been asking to deal with irregular and unsustainable immigration.” Piantedosi also retorts to NGOs who protest because they say they are prevented from rescuing people. “It is false and offensive to claim that rescues at sea are being prevented. There are those who cloak themselves in the presumption of being the exclusive holder of the humanitarian connotations of an endeavor that, on the contrary, because of the unregulated way in which it tends to take place, often ends up favoring the action of traffickers and incentivizing dangerous crossings. I have always found it peculiar that the rescue interventions of NGOs have always aimed to bring exclusively to Italy the people picked up at sea, as precisely the affair suffered by Salvini demonstrates.” In addition, the Viminale titular concludes, “the government has shown that it is not prejudiced against those who want to have a future in Italy by resorting to regular entry channels, which we have multiplied with numbers that have not been recorded in a long time.”
-Photo: Agenzia Fotogramma-