Pnrr, EU commission pays sixth installment of 8.7 billion

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The European Commission has paid Italy the sixth installment of the NRP amounting to 8.7 billion euros. The payment follows the Commission’s positive assessment, adopted last November 26, related to the achievement of 39 objectives, divided into twenty-three milestones and sixteen targets. “Italy is confirmed as the EU member state that has received the largest amount of funding, amounting to 122 billion euros, corresponding to 63 percent of the total PNRR allocation. A positive result that will allow Italy to invest in many strategic sectors by intensifying production in activities in which this government has believed since it took office. The payment of the sixth installment is the result of intense work, carried out in synergy also with the European Commission, which encourages us to continue in this direction for the welfare of the Nation and its citizens,” says Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.Among the objectives achieved with the payment of the sixth installment are strategic investments such as the strengthening of rail links in southern and central Italy, the construction of new infrastructure for gas transport (Adriatic Line) and for Italy’s energy autonomy, the renewal of the fleet for the National Fire Brigade Command, tax credits for ecological transition 4.0 and the activation of the measure for ecological transition 5.0, with respect to which regulatory changes are underway to make it more accessible and advantageous for businesses, the strengthening of the staffing of criminal, civil and administrative courts, the start of operations for new sports facilities in school buildings, and the training of technical, digital and managerial skills to make the performance of the national health system more efficient.Adding to the investments are important reforms, including regulatory measures in favor of the dependent elderly and people with disabilities, actions to prevent and combat undeclared work, worker exploitation and other forms of irregular labor, as well as the establishment of a national standard for the profession of tour guide. The Minister for European Affairs, the NRP and Cohesion Policies, Tommaso Foti, expresses particular satisfaction with “the achievement of the target related to administrative justice, which, compared to a reduction in the backlog equal to 35 percent for the Council of State and 25 percent for the TARs, has seen the total number of proceedings to be disposed of almost reduced to zero.””The positive work carried out to target the sixth installment is followed by the government’s commitment to formalize, by the end of the year, also the request for payment of the seventh installment, amounting to 18.3 billion euros, paying the utmost attention to the monitoring activity of the Plan and the measures included in the last three installments, to the findings of the Coordination Cabins at the Prefectures and the resulting action plans, to the alignment of the ReGiS platform with the real Italy of the investments underway, in order to identify the necessary corrective measures for the full and timely implementation of the Plan on schedule,” Foti added.

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