Politics at warm up

Italian politics is back to the blocks, not sure whether of departure for a reasoned autumn or already of a poisonous race that no one knows where it will lead. Majority leaders will meet this week: work must begin on the year-end budget, 25 billion is needed at least to renew the transitional measures of the year before, cutting the tax wedge in the lead, and for more. The coffers are empty, Europe does not discount, ideas are urgently needed.

But there are also issues of pure power: Rai appointments and governance, balances and equilibriums, the public company will be the laboratory of the probable FdI – 5Stelle dialogue, heralded by Travaglio’s revealed sympathy for the premier with Sallusti’s reprisal. Hard to explain overseas the neuroses of Italian publishing, but let’s say that Il Fatto and Il Giornale have exactly opposite editorial lines: justicialist and pro-magistrates the former, garantist, Berlusconian and now governmental the latter.

August other than rest, has shuffled the cards and who runs the deck is still unclear. Salvini has been silent, but his people have been battling with Tajani, now pushed by Berlusconi’s sons to reason on rights like the PD, and on the other forced to mark Vannacci, always an ally but increasingly restless. In the world of the so-called wide field they did not even fall asleep on the beach looking at the stars.

Speaking of the movement that the 5 of stars inspires, Grillo and Conte are fighting it out every day over symbol and second term, while Renzi plays, by now, not only ball, only with Elly. This is post-ballot political Italy; Ukraine and the Middle East are on fire, and the Ukrainian front is no less. There is still no telling what the world will be like with Trump and Kamala Harris, but in the meantime let’s fix Mamma Rai before the oxen have bolted.

The article Politics at warm up comes from TheNewyorker.