Pope “Cease fire on war fronts, how much cruelty in Gaza”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “I always follow with attention and concern the news coming from Mozambique and wish to renew to that beloved people my message of hope, peace and reconciliation. I pray that dialogue and the search for the common good, sustained by faith and good will, will prevail over distrust and discord.” So said Pope Francis at the end of the Angelus, this time recited from Santa Marta instead of overlooking St. Peter’s as usual from the Apostolic Palace over St. Peter’s, due to the cold weather these days and some symptoms of a cold in the Pontiff. “The tormented Ukraine continues to be hit by attacks on cities that sometimes damage schools, churches and hospitals. Let the guns be silent and the Christmas carols resound,” he added. “Let us pray that at Christmas the firing may cease on all war fronts: in the Holy Land, in Ukraine, throughout the Middle East and the whole world. With sorrow I think of Gaza, of so much cruelty, of children being machine-gunned, of bombings of schools and hospitals. How much cruelty,” the Holy Father concluded.
-Photo: Agenzia Fotogramma-