Pope Francis “The world is in the hands of evil powers”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The world is in the hands of evil powers, who crush peoples with the arrogance of their calculations and the violence of war.” So said Pope Francis in his homily prepared on the occasion of the Jubilee of the World of Volunteers, read by Cardinal Michael Czerny, who presided over the Mass in St. Peter’s Square.

“The devil hisses in our ears that God is not really our Father; that he has actually abandoned us. Satan aims to convince us that for the hungry there is no bread, much less from the stones, nor do the angels come to our aid in misfortune,” the pontiff stressed. “Just as the devil would like us to believe that the Lord is far from us, leading us to despair, God comes even closer to us, giving his life for the redemption of the world. with the arrogance of their calculations and the violence of war.

He then goes on to thank the volunteers, “I am happy to greet all the volunteers who are in Rome today for their Jubilee pilgrimage. Thank you very much, dear ones, because following the example of Jesus you serve your neighbor without serving your neighbor. On the streets and among homes, beside the sick, the suffering, the imprisoned, with the young and the elderly, your dedication instills hope in all of society. In the deserts of poverty and loneliness, so many small gestures of gratuitous service make sprouts of new humanity blossom: that garden that God has dreamed and continues to dream for all of us.”

-Photo Ipa/Agency-