BRASILIA (ITALPRESS) – The excellence of Lombardy Biologists meets the highest Italian representation in Brazil. A meeting was held on January 9 between the President of the Order of Biologists of Lombardy, Rudy Alexander Rossetto, and the Ambassador of Italy to Brazil, Alessandro Cortese, at the headquarters of the Italian Embassy in Brasilia.It was an unprecedented meeting in the history of the representation of Italian Biologists, marking a significant first step in the start of international cooperation between the Order of Biologists of Lombardy and Brazil. “This meeting represents a historic moment for our category and shows how Italian Biologists can be active players on an international scale, contributing to global challenges such as environmental and scientific ones,” said President Rossetto, who wanted to bring to Brazil new OBL projects in the field of environment, climate and scientific research. Rossetto was warmly welcomed at the world’s first green embassy, a diplomatic post that meets its energy needs entirely through renewable energy.The Embassy of Italy in Brasilia received, the first diplomatic mission in the world, the “Zero Waste” certification from the Lixo Zero Brasil Institute. The Italian office had already been awarded the title of the first Green Embassy in the federal capital. A set of measures ensure that 100 percent of organic waste goes to the compound’s compost bin. The final product is used as fertilizer within the Embassy. Recyclable and electronic waste, on the other hand, is donated to a number of partner cooperatives who, in this way, have the opportunity to create jobs and income through the sale of the material. The Embassy has also provided for the abolition of the use of plastic cups by becoming “single-use plastic free.””This project represents a virtuous example of how it is possible to harmonize human activity with respect for the environment,” says President Rossetto. “Being here, in a place that draws inspiration from the extraordinary biodiversity of the Amazon, is an experience that reminds us how much science and innovation can make a difference in preserving the planet,” he adds.During the meeting, President Rossetto anticipated to the Ambassador a series of innovative projects that aim to create a synergy between Italy and Brazil, involving Italian professionals in the organic sector. Among the main themes of possible collaboration:1- “Biodiversity in connection: an Italy-Brazil collaboration for conservation and research”: the project is focused on a topic of great environmental and social relevance, such as biodiversity conservation and the fight against climate change, precisely in the year Brazil will host Cop 30.2- “Italian biology and culture in schools: education, health and sustainability for a shared future”: a focus to involve schools and promote the dissemination of Italian biology and culture, working on specific topics such as nutrition, environmental education and orientation towards scientific careers, but also civic, environmental and nutritional education: “children represent the future of nations. Investing in their education means building more aware and resilient societies. The youngest are incredibly receptive, we have to work with them to spread a culture of respect for health and the environment,” said Rossetto.3-“Agribusiness and Science: a bridge between Italy and Brazil for innovation, health and sustainability”: a focus on activities related to the promotion and regulation of the agribusiness sector.4-“Space Biosphere: Italian and Brazilian Biologists for Innovation in Space and on Earth”: the project aims to integrate the contribution of Biologists in the cooperation between Italy and Brazil in the space sector, combining science, technological innovation and sustainability. It aims to develop biotechnological and biofood solutions to support space missions and promote knowledge transfer to terrestrial applications.5-“Obesity, lifestyles and diabetes prevention”: discussed the fundamental role of proper nutrition in sports and diabetes prevention, an issue particularly felt in Brazil. Obesity and diabetes are global challenges that require an integrated approach, involving the scientific community, institutions, and public education. “During my trip, I had the opportunity to engage with local physicians and universities, noting that diabetes is a significant health problem in Brazil affecting 1 in 10 people, but the real figure could be even higher, as 30 percent of cases go undiagnosed,” highlights Rossetto.President Rossetto expressed the willingness of the Order of Biologists of Lombardy to make available the contribution of highly specialized expertise of all (CTS) OBL Specific Technical Committees to support the Italian Embassy in Brazil in future shared projects.These issues highlight the commitment of the Order of Biologists of Lombardy and President Rossetto in creating bridges of collaboration between countries, uniting science, education and sustainability.The ambassador said that for this collaboration there will be the involvement of the scientific office led by Professor Fabio Naro, already the promoter of an important conference in São Paulo. Naro has already laid the groundwork for a scientific dialogue that aims to explore nutritional needs in extreme environments, such as space. “I express my heartfelt thanks for the extraordinary hospitality I received,” says President Rossetto. “It was an honor to be welcomed with such courtesy and professionalism. I thank the Ambassador for listening attentively to the projects I had the pleasure of presenting, demonstrating excellent vision and extraordinary sensitivity to the issues at hand. I can only compliment and express all my esteem for the valuable work that the Italian Embassy is doing in Brazil, an example of diplomacy at the service of our community and international cooperation. This meeting represents a significant opportunity to strengthen ties between Italian institutions and those across the border, with the aim of developing innovative and valuable projects together,” he concludes.
– Photo Order Biologists Lombardy –