Quici “Good on Schillaci on hiring and flat tax”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “We learn with satisfaction of Minister Schillaci’s intention to initiate a recruitment plan in hospitals and to tax specificity allowances at 15 percent so as to raise the salaries of health personnel. These are proposals on which the CIMO-FESMED Federation has been working together with the Ministry for over a year and which, if introduced in the next Budget Law, would represent an important signal expected by all physicians working in the National Health Service.” This is how Guido Quici, president of the union federation CIMO-FESMED (to which ANPO-ASCOTI, CIMO, CIMOP and FESMED belong) comments on the statements made by the minister on the sidelines of the General Assembly of European employed physicians. “We also hope,” Quici adds, “that the budget law will also find space in the budget bill for the unblocking of the personnel spending ceiling and the extension of the criminal shield, while waiting for the Nordio Commission on medical negligence to conclude its work. Finally, we once again highlight the need to quickly open negotiations for the renewal of the contract for medical executives, without necessarily waiting for the conclusion of that of the sector, considering that the current CCNL has already expired for three years. These are limited but fundamental measures to give back some breathing space to health care personnel and hospitals, which are now struggling throughout Italy,” the CIMO-FESMED president concludes.

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